Amrita Vidyalayam


The entire life of Shri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi has been dedicated to education as a Jagad guru-a World Teacher- Mata Amritanandamayi, every action and every word are for the education of humankind, providing spiritual wisdom and moral guidance. Her founding of the Amrita Vidyalayam school system in 1987 has been part of her mission to uplift the world, ensuring the availability of top notch, value based education throughout India. Today there are more than 100 Amrita Vidyalayam school throughout the country with Mata Amritanandamayi Serving as guiding light of teachers, Faculty and students

Amma was born into a humble family of fishermen in 1953. Even as a little girl, she drew attention from other people in her village because she would spend hours at a time deeply immersed in meditation on the beach. She would also write bhajans and would walk around singing out with all her heart. Regardless of the fact that she was still a little girl. The song  were profound, showing a deep spiritual understanding. 

Amma’s parents. Could not understand what they saw as “her strange ways” and tried to get her to act like other girls her age, but Amma understood her path and could not be changed.

Amma’s mother fell sick when Amma was just in fourth standard and Amma was taken out of School in order to help with chores and to take care of her siblings. As part of her household duties, she would gather vegetables, leftovers and other food scraps from neighbours in order to feed the family’s, goats and cows. When she would go out to this, Amma came face-to-face with the squalor, sickness and loneliness that was the reality of many neighbours of hers. Feeling their pain as her own, Amma would take food, small amount of money, even jewellery and clothes from her home and give it to them in attempts to relieve their sufferings. Her parents, who were by no means a rich reprimanded her for this. At times, she was even beaten for such actions. But, regardless, Amma continued.

Amma said that it was at this time that she began to contemplate the nature of life and suffering. While, on one level, she understood that people suffer as repercussions for selfish actions, they have performed in past lives, she also felt that it was her duty to try to help such people. In her own words, “if it is their Karma to suffer, isn’t it my Dharma to help them?” And it was in this way that Mata Amritanandamayi his spiritual mission began- taking care of those around her, bringing them food, clothing, medicine, drying the tears from their cheeks, holding them in a sweet embrace as they unburdened themselves of their problems, and it is still this way -with Mata Amritanandamayi sitting daily for us to receive thousands of people.

Today more than 60 million people have sought out a Amma’s darshan—– as her embrace has come to be known. And it is from the inspiration and transformation. People have gained from their experience with Amma that institutions such as Amrita Vidyalayam school have arisen. 


The blessings and divine guidance of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, ‘Amma’ to millions all over the world, is the transcendental powerhouse of all our educational institutions. Satguru Amma is imparting wisdom to all through Her extraordinary acts of love and self-sacrifice. Amma, through Her infinite love and compassion, has established a vast network of educational institutions, which comprise a wide and diverse spectrum of the highest quality. They function on Amma’s ideology that – “in their formative years, children should be allowed to evolve naturally and in an unforced manner.